Source code for ovirtlago.cmd

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import warnings

import lago
from lago.config import config as lago_config
from lago.log_utils import LogTask
from lago.plugins.cli import CLIPlugin, cli_plugin, cli_plugin_add_argument
from lago.utils import in_prefix, with_logging
from ovirtlago.prefix import OvirtPrefix, OvirtWorkdir
import ovirtlago.constants as constants

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('ovirt-cli')
in_ovirt_prefix = in_prefix(
# TODO: Remove this, and properly complain on unset config values
DISTS = ['el6', 'el7', 'fc20']

[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Create snapshots for all deployed resources. This command puts the ' 'storages, domains and hosts into maintenance before taking snapshot.' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( 'snapshot_name', help='Name of the snapshot to create', metavar='SNAPSHOT_NAME', ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--no-restore', help=( 'Do not bring system in to previous state (active storage ' 'domains/hosts/services)' ), action='store_false', dest='restore', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_snapshot(prefix, snapshot_name, no_restore, **kwargs): prefix.create_snapshots(snapshot_name, no_restore)
[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Revert to a previously created snapshot.\n' 'This command activates storage domains and hosts after booting up.' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( 'snapshot_name', help='Name of the snapshot to create', metavar='SNAPSHOT_NAME', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_revert(prefix, snapshot_name, **kwargs): prefix.revert_snapshots(snapshot_name)
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Run unit tests from a specified file') @cli_plugin_add_argument( 'test_file', help='Path to tests file to run', metavar='TEST_FILE', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_runtest(prefix, test_file, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(test_file): raise RuntimeError('Test file not found') if not prefix.run_test(test_file): raise RuntimeError('Some tests failed')
[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Create a local rpm repository with rpms provided by external ' 'repository and rpms build from engine/vdsm sources if provided.' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--rpm-repo', help='Path to local rpm repository', type=os.path.abspath, ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--reposync-yum-config', help=('Path to configuration to use when updating local rpm repository'), type=os.path.abspath, default=None, ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--skip-sync', help='Do not sync repos', action='store_true', ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--custom-source', help=( 'Add an extra rpm source to the repo (will have priority over the ' 'repos), allows any source string allowed by repoman' ), dest='custom_sources', action='append', ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--repoman-config', help=( 'Custom repoman configuration file. If not passed defaults will be ' 'used. Note that \'store.RPMStore.rpm_dir\' is not configurable.' ), dest='repoman_config', action='store', default=None, ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_reposetup( prefix, rpm_repo, reposync_yum_config, repoman_config, skip_sync, custom_sources, **kwargs ): if rpm_repo is None: rpm_repo = lago_config['reposync_dir'] prefix.prepare_repo( rpm_repo=rpm_repo, reposync_yum_config=reposync_yum_config, skip_sync=skip_sync, custom_sources=custom_sources, repoman_config=repoman_config, )
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Run scripts that install necessary RPMs and configuration') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_deploy(prefix, **kwargs): prefix.deploy()
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Run engine-setup command on the engine machine') @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--config', help='Path to answer file', type=os.path.abspath, ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_engine_setup(prefix, config, **kwargs): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().engine_setup(config)
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Start all hosts that are in maintenance') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_start_hosts(prefix, **kwargs): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().start_all_hosts()
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Stop all hosts that are up') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_stop_hosts(prefix, **kwargs): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().stop_all_hosts()
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Stop all VMs that are up') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_stop_vms(prefix, **kwargs): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().stop_all_vms()
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Start all VMs that are down') @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--vms-timeout', help=('Time to wait until the Engine reports the VMs are up.'), dest='vms_timeout', default=8 * 60, type=int, action='store', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_start_vms(prefix, vms_timeout, **kwargs): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().start_all_vms(timeout=vms_timeout)
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Print oVirt setup status') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_status(prefix, out_format, **kwargs): print(out_format.format(prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().status()))
[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Start oVirt environment: Start Engine and Host VMs, then ' 'put Hosts in activate mode.' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--with-vms', help=('Also Start VMs connected to to the Engine.'), dest='with_vms', action='store_true', ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--vms-timeout', help=('Time to wait until the Engine reports the VMs are up.'), dest='vms_timeout', default=8 * 60, type=int, action='store', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_start(prefix, with_vms, vms_timeout, **kwargs): with LogTask('Starting oVirt environment'): prefix.start() with LogTask('Waiting for ovirt-engine status'): prefix.virt_env.assert_engine_alive(timeout=3 * 60) with LogTask('Waiting for vdsmd status'): prefix.virt_env.assert_vdsm_alive(timeout=3 * 60) with LogTask('Updating Clusters CPU'): prefix.virt_env.update_clusters_cpu() with LogTask('Activating Engine Hosts'): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().start_all_hosts(timeout=5 * 60) if with_vms: with LogTask('Waiting for Storage domains to be in active mode'): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().check_sds_status(timeout=5 * 60) with LogTask('Starting Engine VMs'): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().start_all_vms(timeout=vms_timeout) textwrap.dedent( """ The environment is ready to be used. You can access the web UI with the following link and credentials: https://{ip} Username: {username} Password: {password} """.format( ip=prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().ip(), username=constants.ENGINE_USER.split('@')[0], password=prefix.virt_env.engine_vm() .metadata['ovirt-engine-password'] ) ) )
[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Stop all Engine VMs, put all hosts in maintenance and turn off ' ' Lago VMs.' ) ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_stop(prefix, **kwargs): with LogTask('Stopping oVirt environment'): with LogTask('Stopping Engine VMs'): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().stop_all_vms() with LogTask('Putting hosts in maintenance mode'): prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().stop_all_hosts() with LogTask('Shutdown Lago VMs'): prefix.shutdown()
[docs]@cli_plugin( help=( 'Collect logs from VMs, list of collected logs ' 'can be specified in the init file, under ' 'artifacts parameter ' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--output', help='Path to place all the extracted at', required=True, type=os.path.abspath, ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( '--no-skip', help='do not skip missing paths', action='store_true', ) @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_collect(prefix, output, no_skip, **kwargs): warnings.warn( ( '\'lago ovirt collect\' is deprecated, redirecting ' 'to \'lago collect\'' ) ) lago.cmd.do_collect(prefix=prefix, output=output, no_skip=no_skip)
[docs]@cli_plugin(help='Start the repo server and do nothing') @in_ovirt_prefix @with_logging def do_ovirt_serve(prefix, **kwargs): prefix.serve()
def _populate_parser(cli_plugins, parser): verbs_parser = parser.add_subparsers( dest='ovirtverb', metavar='VERB', ) for cli_plugin_name, plugin in cli_plugins.items(): plugin_parser = verbs_parser.add_parser( cli_plugin_name, **plugin.init_args ) plugin.populate_parser(plugin_parser) return parser class OvirtCLI(CLIPlugin): init_args = { 'help': 'oVirt related actions', } def populate_parser(self, parser): self.cli_plugins = lago.plugins.load_plugins('lago.plugins.ovirt.cli') _populate_parser(self.cli_plugins, parser) return parser def do_run(self, args): try: self.cli_plugins[args.ovirtverb].do_run(args) except Exception: logging.exception('Error occured, aborting') sys.exit(1)